Digital catalogs for B2B and B2C

Create Product Catalog

Choose Offer Language

Sector Pages allows you to translate your offers into multiple languages so you can effectively promote your products worldwide. Choose the language of your offer. You can test the translation mechanism after you have added your product.

Product Description

Maximize your product's visibility by providing essential information. Start by including a direct URL linking to the product on your website, enabling a seamless 'buy now' experience via a direct button. If no URL is provided, customer inquiries can be managed through an RFI (Request for Information) process. Clearly state your product's name and offer a concise description that highlights its unique features and benefits. Integrate strategic keywords to improve searchability and align with SEO practices. Additionally, specify the relevant eCl@ss category to ensure your product is properly classified according to this standardized material and service classification system, aiding in accurate and efficient discovery by potential buyers. Remember, a well-categorized product reaches the right audience faster.
Enter keywords separated with commas.

Visualize Your Product

Showcase your product's features, design, and quality by adding high-resolution images. Customers connect with visual content, so providing a variety of photos can significantly enhance their understanding and appreciation of your product. Start with a main image that captures your product at its best, then add additional images to highlight important details and angles, ensuring customers can fully visualize what you're offering. Clear and vivid product images can increase customer confidence and lead to more informed purchase decisions.

Set Your Product Price

List your product’s price to let customers know how much they will invest. Be sure to choose the correct currency from the dropdown menu to reflect the market you’re selling in. You also have the option to indicate whether the price is net or gross, clarifying if it includes tax or not. This information helps customers understand the full cost and ensures transparency in pricing, which can build trust and facilitate purchase decisions.

Define Your Sales Region and Type

Detail your sales operations here to inform customers how they can do business with you. Choose the appropriate category that best describes your type of trading operations from the 'Trader Type' dropdown. Next, specify the 'Delivery Region' to indicate where you can ship your product. Whether you’re a local vendor or an international supplier, these details will help potential buyers understand where you operate and how they can receive your products.

Identify Your Product

Ensure your product is easily searchable by providing its unique identifier. Start with the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or choose from other common identifier types such as EAN, ISBN, UPC, SKU, or MPN, available in the dropdown menu. Adding precise identifiers helps customers quickly locate your product and streamlines inventory management. You can add multiple identifiers if your product is listed under different numbers or across various systems.

Provide Your Details

Provide Your Details

Your Contact Details

Please provide your essential contact details, such as your email address and phone number, to ensure potential buyers can reach you easily. These details will link the product listing directly to you, allowing for prompt communication and efficient transaction processing. We value your privacy; your information is strictly for connection purposes — we do not sell any data to third parties.